A BYU professor told of reading a scripture passage to her young daughter. It prophesied of the wicked in very gruesome terms. (Doctrine and Covenants 29:17-20) His young daughter begged him to stop and she started sobbing. "But, as he explained, he felt it was better that she should weep now while they were still only words on paper than to wait unprepared for such events and then have them happen before her eyes. If this were the case in her tenderheartedness she might falter; but now, knowing of these things, even though horrified, she may take comfort knowing that God had foretold their occurrence so that she could be better prepared for them" (Lund; "The Coming of the Lord").
I think so many times we find ourselves getting caught up in the world without realizing it. There are so many fun exciting and enticing distractions out there for us to divulge in. Our favorite TV show, our favorite fiction novel, our favorite celebrity, or even our favorite sports team. All these outlets are great as long as they don't take away from the focus of why we are on the earth. Sometimes they can take away from looking for the signs that have been prophesied. They distract us from listening to the spirit and opening our eyes to what we personally can do to make sure we are ready for the 2nd coming of our Lord.
Through this blog I hope to find more answers of what I can do to prepare. I hope that even one person opens their eyes a little wider and focuses a little closer on the signs of the times. I hope even one person listens a little closer to the spirit that will help guide them to know what they need to do.
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